I’m now offering Custom Bamboo Wading Staffs

For the past few years, I’ve been working at designing and building Custom Bamboo Wading Staffs, and I’m excited to announce that I’m now offering them to customers.  I build these Wading Staffs from the same Select Tonkin Bamboo that I build my fly rods with…they aren’t made from engineered bamboo flooring material.  I offer these Staffs in lengths from 48″ to 52″, and build them with a custom Cork grip, an English Walnut end cap, and Pearsalls Cardinal Silk wrapping thread.  I also include a retractor from Gear Keeper.  The cost for these Bamboo Wading Staffs is $600.

Custom Bamboo Wading Staff

Custom Bamboo Wading Staff

Some Thoughts on My Costs of Building Bamboo Fly Rods, Nets, and Wading Staffs.

I do my best at keeping the prices of my bamboo fly rods, nets, and wading staffs down so they are affordable to many anglers.  Yes, bamboo fly rods cost more than graphite fly rods of today…but really,…when did the cost of high-end graphite rods increase to $1600???   Every couple of years, I do an assessment of my costs for building my bamboo fly rods.  Unfortunately, costs continue to go up. Over the past 3 years, I’m seeing these increases:

  1. Cost of raw Bamboo has risen by 85%
  2. Cost of silk thread has risen by 20%
  3. Cost of ferrules has risen by 35%
  4. Cost of reel seat hardware has risen by 15%
  5. Cost of shipping through FedEx or UPS has risen by 20%
  6. Cost of consumable materials (sand paper, varnish, glue) has risen by 10 to 25%

As a result of these increasing costs, I’m feeling that I need to increase the prices of my fly rods, nets and wading staffs.  Any orders placed over the last days of this year will be at my current prices.  Starting January 1st, 2025, the updated prices will be in place.

All two tip bamboo fly rods will be $2395

All nets will be $600

All wading staffs will be $600


Best Regards,

Dave Dozer

Bamboo Fly Rod Fishing in Colorado

I just got back from 10 days of fishing with my best fishing buddy, Bill, who lives in Fort Collins, Colorado.  Had a fantastic time, and Bill did a great job playing the role of a “local guide” for me on his home waters.  We fished the Big Thompson River, the Pouder River, and the middle Fork of the South Platte River.  Most of the time I fished my 7′  9″  4 wt Signature Series bamboo or my 8′  0″  6 wt Fast Action Series bamboo.  We caught fish on Trico Mayflies, BWO Comparaduns, Ants, and Hoppers.  Here are a few random photos from our trip.

Bill and Dave’s Excellent Colorado Fishing Trip.

Nice little brown from the Big Thompson River.

Rainbow from the Pouder River.

A rare Green Back Cutthroat from the Pouder River.

The Poudre River.

Fishing the middle Fork of the South Platte River.

A big rainbow that took a #24 Trico Mayfly.


A new Series of bamboo fly rods.

For the past 1 1/2 years I have been working at developing a new series of bamboo fly rods…a Fast Action Series.  I’ve designed these rods with a fast action for windy conditions, casting especially large flies, or for those anglers who just like fast action rods.  They also do great with smaller flies as well.  I’m pleased to now offer these rods to my clients as another option and offer them in 4 wt, 5wt, 6 wt, and 7 wt, configurations.  I build these rods with Custom Rosewood reel seats with engraved hardware, and dark claret, straw, and black thread wraps.

5 wt Fast Action Series

5 wt Fast Action Series #2

5 wt Fast Action Series #3

5 wt Fast Action Series #4

Getting Out Fishing Today With Our Bamboo Rods!

I was able to get out fly fishing today with my good friend, Joe, on Whychus Creek, the small creek in the canyon below my house.  Whychus creek is one of my favorite spots here in Central Oregon…beautiful water and no other anglers around.  I took out my 6′  8″  3 wt. Fast Action Series Bamboo Rod and Joe took out his 7′  0″  4 wt bamboo rod he built with me in my workshop.  After a bug sampling that showed a lot of stonefly nymphs, I started with a #10 black rubber legged black stonefly nymph.  Joe started with a #16 Tan X-Caddis pattern.  We both were successful and caught several nice rainbows.  After an hour, I wanted some dry fly action so I changed over to a #12 Yellow Stimulator pattern…Joe stayed with his X-Caddis.  For the next 2 hours, we both raised a lot of feisty native rainbows, and by the end of the day, we each caught about 15 fish.  What a fun day with our bamboo rods on one of our small creeks here.

A Big, Black Stonefly Nymph

6′ 8 3 wt rod

Joe with a great Bow And Arrow cast.

One of the beautiful native rainbows we caught.